Thank you for continuing to provide feedback on ASAP reports. We've started with a few report updates this month.
Report Enhancements
- Look for the updated version of the report to Update Class Status for classes in Time Period2. You can now set Classes to show or not show online by time period in bulk. Report can be found under Custom Queries.
- Documents uploaded by Customer Report
- This report includes a list of documents uploaded by a registrant to the Public site along with docs uploaded by an admin user to the Admin site. Report can be found under Custom Queries.
- Class Roster with Drop-In Students
- This report shows both regularly enrolled students and drop-in attendees on the dates they are attending. This report will only show dates if there is a class scheduled on that date. Time Period selection is required. Report can be found under Custom Queries.
- The document list on the public registration site is no longer showing duplicates.
- Users of Company accounts were unable to login. This is now working properly.