There's something for everyone this month :)
We are focusing resources on ensuring stability in all operations. The upcoming Release Notes will include details of these efforts as they are rolled out and include any important information for you on any different behaviors or changes to be aware of.
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New Super Enrollment Report
We are delighted to share a new enrollment report to help provide more valuable insights into your enrollment dynamics.
The Super Enrollment Report presents an extensive enrollment data set with both Detail and Summary views and the option to filter the data either by enrollment dates or by class dates. From here, you can find out if this is a new or returning student, along with an expanded set of their demographic and enrollment information. Select the appropriate filter based on your specific analysis objectives, such as tracking enrollment trends over time (Enrollment Dates filter) or assessing deferred revenue (Class Dates filter).
This data set is ideal for converting to Pivot Tables in Detail or Summary views.
You can subscribe to it in Reporting > Custom Queries and/or just bookmark the full URL for real easy access :)
While you're here: we are working on fixing the Report search function so that you can find reports by keyword search more easily. In the meantime, please subscribe to the free queries and use the Star function to put any frequently used reports in your Favorites tab.
Recurring Billing
Recurring Billing occurs in Classes, Payment Plans and Donations modules. We have stabilized transactions related to all these items and improved clarity over automatic payment types.
- Issues recently experienced with regular payments not being applied as they should have been resolved.
- When a new class enrollment occurs, the student is given the option to select a payment type, and it is no longer automatically tied to the Saved payment type.
- When a student enrolls in a recurring billing class and does not save a card or echeck for future payments, the billing type will be Invoice, not AutoBill.
- When a recurring bill is tied to an echeck, this sometimes causes data gaps. We have changed things to this payment type is now showing in the Account Summary and Set Up > Financials > Recurring Billing management tab, under the Expire Date (where the Credit Card expiry date also shows). This makes it easier for Admin to instantly understand the payment type of all recurring billing schedules.