ASAP 4 (Beta) Updates – April 2nd
The following changes were made across ASAP 4 (also known as ASAP Beta) on 4/2/2020:
Features Added:
- ASAP enabled the Fundraising module for all organizations.
- When filtering on the Communication Center, users can now add a single staff member instead of all the filtered results.
- Added the hourly pay rate grid to the Staff Create page.
- When editing a field with the text editor, it was not properly validating the area to be a required field.
- When creating a new student, emergency contacts were not immediately displaying after account creation.
- ASAP now allows users to set the product code field when sending data to the Bank Settlement report.
- When visiting the Reports page, the Favorites tab will be loaded first.
- On the Product Sales report, we added products priced at $0.00.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug on the Class Listings page where the Days filter was not working.
- Fixed a bug that caused an error to be displayed when a user attempted to add a manual fee.
- Fixed a bug on the Enroll page when trying to enroll a student into a class that they were already enrolled in would break the page.
- Fixed a bug that broke the Enroll page whenever a user attempted to register a student for a class they were already enrolled in.
- Fixed a bug on the Class details page where not all students would be filtered when viewing the Enrollments tab.
- Fixed a bug on the Reports page where the star icon would show as oversized when a user came from the Class Details page.
- Fixed a bug preventing the Time Period Registration Fee from saving the correct field whenever a user attempted to configure it.
- Fixed a bug that prevented users from saving formatting changes to a message in the Communication Center without first sending the email.
The following changes were made across the ASAP Mobile Online Registration site (also known as ASAP Go) on 4/2/2020:
- Added the ability for students to now be able to search by class code when looking for a specific class.
- Added the ability to embed a video on the details page of staff members.
- Fixed a bug where users were unable to upload a document when creating a registration.
- Fixed a bug where Reg Form data was being removed after updating an email when there previously wasn’t an email saved.
- Fixed a bug where classes in time periods not yet open for registration showed as available to register in.
- Fixed a bug preventing the first day of class from automatically being selected when a user dropped into the class.
The following changes were made for California Adult Education Schools on 4/2/2020:
- For adult education schools using ASAP’s integration to CASAS TE, distance learning attendance can now be exported from ASAP as a separate value. An additional column for distance learning minutes has been added to the ATT.csv (attendance) export file. The total minutes (classroom time + distance learning) are still part of the ATT.csv export file.
ASAP 3 Updates – April 2nd
The following changes were made across ASAP 3 (also known as ASAP Classic) on 4/2/2020:
- ASAP enabled the Fundraising module for all organizations.
- On the Product Sales report, we added products priced at $0.00.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug causing private lesson notes recorded in the Mobile Assistant application to not show on the Private Lesson Attendance page.
- Fixed a bug preventing users from adding attendance notes for specific students.
- Fixed a bug where not all saved cards were displaying when selecting the “Pay Now” button on the Student details page.
- Fixed a bug where the Reset Password link was not sending the correct password for a student to update their account.
- Fixed a bug on Register where lesson packages were creating $0.00 invoices.
- Fixed a bug where some time periods were missing when filtering on the Export TOPS files report.
- Fixed a bug causing the HTML code to display when users viewed a waiver’s description on the Waiver report.
- Fixed a bug where adding an apostrophe while inputting a note on an emailed invoice is showing some html in the email.
- Fixed a bud that displayed HTML code within an email whenever a user added an apostrophe while inputting a note on an emailed invoice.
- Fixed a bug on Register that caused the credit card field to disappear whenever the user selected the “Same as my registration info” checkbox.
- Fixed a bug on Register preventing payments from processing when the user attempted to pay with a new invoice while using an electronic check.
The following changes were made across the ASAP Mobile Online Registration site (also known as ASAP Go) on 4/2/2020:
- Added the ability for students to search by class code when looking for a specific class.
- Added the ability to embed a video on the details page of staff members.
- Fixed a bug preventing users from uploading a document when creating a registration.
- Fixed a bug that removed form data after updating an email when there previously wasn’t an email saved.
- Fixed a bug where classes in time periods not yet open for registration showed as available to register in.
- Fixed a bug preventing the first day of class from automatically being selected when a user dropped into the class.
The following changes were made for California Adult Education Schools on 4/2/2020:
- For adult education schools using ASAP’s integration to CASAS TE, distance learning attendance can now be exported from ASAP as a separate value. An additional column for distance learning minutes has been added to the ATT.csv (attendance) export file. The total minutes (classroom time + distance learning) are still part of the ATT.csv export file.