Hello! It's Summertime and we hope the livin' is easy :) We're a little late with this Release because your author got hit by Covid BA5 and it was not pretty. Keep 😷! Of course we haven't taken a break from releasing Enhancements and Fixes at all.
Enhancements and Updates
- The updated Teacher's Assistant tool is here :) We are working on a couple of initial issues still and hope to have those fixed by the end of July (updates will be posted on this page). We hope that you plan on sharing this invaluable tool with your faculty/teachers/instructors. It has an improved layout, look and feel but shouldn't be a drastic change for teachers and still shows schedule and roster in incredibly easy to read formats. Please take a moment to get familiar with it here.
For ConnexPoint customers, GL codes are now being sent to CXP on Donation payments.
- Did you know that Automatic Discounts now apply when items covered are added to an existing invoice? We had an issue with this in some cases which is resolved so now is a good time to consider reviewing any discounts that were set up a few years ago as they will apply after the invoice is created now, if the criteria matches the discount.
- ConnexPoint customers - GL account numbers now show in the Bank Settlement Report for ALL fee types including Memberships, Registration, Reservation along with the current Product, Class and Lesson Fees etc.
- We have now implemented the rule that prevents instructors with access only to their students from emailing students who are not enrolled in their classes or lessons. In A3, instructors were prevented from emailing students that were not their own because the communication Center was only available to administrators with access to the Set Up section. In A4, the Communication Center was moved to Tools in response to many requests to make it accessible to more users.
- We have resolved an issue with an email token for Recurring Donations in the Donation email template.
- You can now add new Notes to Classes and Student pages again.
- Issues with the way Enrollments display in the Student's Activities tab have been resolved for improved stability and performance
- For those using the Social Security number, the security setting has been fixed so those with access will now be able to see the SSN on Student Account records.
- Issues with the dates updating in the meta data (that default set of data in the left panels) in classes and lessons (on public site) has all been resolved.
- One client had a problem with Pre-Requisites not showing in the Admin site which is now fixed.
- The Recurring Donation thank you email tokens are not displaying correctly.
- Student credits are now showing consistently on the Student page
- Registration Fee adjustments were not updating correctly for some clients. This has now been fixed and clean ups completed.
- Existing discounts were sometimes not being moved to the new class during Student Transfer in some cases. This is now fixed.